Spine EasyFlow, has the function of providing instruments for decompression of intervertebral disc herniation and/or treatment of disc protrusions with partial rupture of annular fibers through an endoscopic and/or minimally invasive method (percutaneous discectomy).
The product has instruments for performing automated nucleotomy, nucleoplasty, annulotomy and annuloplasty, as well as a complete set for accessing the disc nucleus. The Bipolar Resector Cannula present in the Spine EasyFlow has an irrigation line for serum, which guarantees cooling of the active tip and circulation of fluids, minimizing possible thermal damage to adjacent tissues. The puncture cannula in the Spine EasyFlow has an echogenic active tip (sonovisible), which allows it to be guided by ultrasound – ultrasonic guidance increases the accuracy and safety of the procedure and minimizes the patient’s exposure to fluoroscopy.
ANVISA No.: 80356130212
Images for illustrative purposes only
• Single-use product
• Sterilization validity: 2 years
Spine EasyFlow
(Code 921310100)
• Trocar
• Obturator
• Trephine
• Guide Wire
• Sonovisible Puncture Cannula
• Bipolar Resecting Cannula with Cooling
Endereço: Alameda Sinlioku Tanaka, 170, Parque Tecnológico Damha I
CEP: 13565-261
São Carlos/SP – Brasil
Phone: +55 16 2107 2345
E-mail: comercial@razek.com.br
Razek Equipamentos LTDA | CNPJ: 07.489.080/0001-30
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Adress: Alameda Sinlioku Tanaka, 170, Parque Tecnológico Damha I
CEP: 13565-261
São Carlos/SP – Brasil
Phone: +55 16 2107 2345
Email: comercial@razek.com.br
Razek Equipamentos LTDA | CNPJ: 07.489.080/0003-00
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