The purpose of the Trocar RZ is to handle and manipulate surgical instruments. It also allows liquids to be irrigated and suctioned into cavities. In conjunction with endoscopes, this medical device helps to visualize openings and joints during arthroscopic surgery.
Razek Sterilizing Case is not part of the product and can be purchased separately.
ANVISA No.: 80356130104
Images for illustrative purposes only
▪ The Trocater RZ can be reused if it is in good condition and clean;
▪ Never use the Trocater RZ without first properly cleaning and sterilizing it;
▪ Store the product in a cool, dry place, away from dust and moisture, chemicals and cleaning agents;
▪ After the end of its useful life, dispose of the product in accordance with local legislation.
Trocar RZ ATM
▪ Available lengths: 65 – 80– 110 mm
▪ Available Angles: 0º – 30º
▪ Available diameters: 1.9 – 2.3 mm
▪ Obturator Tip: Blunt and Pointed
▪ Tap: One
▪ Simple Sleeve
The full list of models is available in the user manual.
Endereço: Alameda Sinlioku Tanaka, 170, Parque Tecnológico Damha I
CEP: 13565-261
São Carlos/SP – Brasil
Phone: +55 16 2107 2345
Razek Equipamentos LTDA | CNPJ: 07.489.080/0001-30
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Adress: Alameda Sinlioku Tanaka, 170, Parque Tecnológico Damha I
CEP: 13565-261
São Carlos/SP – Brasil
Phone: +55 16 2107 2345
Razek Equipamentos LTDA | CNPJ: 07.489.080/0003-00
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